Show Time!

As many of you know Highlander breeders are working towards becoming a championship breed so a lot of us are enjoying going to cat shows to further that agenda. Love Branch has shown our cats in 4 shows so far which has been a wonderfully exciting learning experience. We have been to 4 shows in Alabama: 2 in Huntsville, 1 in Anniston and the most recent one in Birmingham which was a huge regional show with many different things going on.

The show judges have given us a lot of input on our goal of reaching championship. They love that our breed is looking more and more uniform, with characteristics that identify them as the same breed. When we work towards the same breed standards it brings the breeders closer together, and when you look at our cats they are more obviously Highlanders. We recently had a kitten bred at Love Branch go to the Birmingham Cat Show where he won 5 merits in the show ring and the judges loved him! He is only 5 months old and a big beautiful boy and we are very proud of him!

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