
We are currently focused on expanding our cattery to better accommodate our kings, queens, and kittens in healthy, happy surroundings. We have 2 litters that will be available soon! We are regularly updating everything, so visit us often.


6 thoughts on “Expanding!

  1. I saw your ads in hoobly. The kittens look great. Which kittens are available? What are their ages and do you have pics? Can you tell me a little about the Highlander breed? Thx. Phil.

    1. Hi there, I am not sure if you are still interested in our highlanders but we do have a litter currently. We just had 4 kittens about 2 weeks ago and they will be ready around 9-12 weeks of age to go to a forever home. We love our highlanders. They are a very unique and wonderful breed. There is a video on you tube. It’s made by animal planet and its called cats 101 highlanders. It is spring so we should have more litters on the way. Thanks for your interest. Sorry for the delay.


  2. Hello, my name is Nicole Harris and I am interested in learning more about your kittens. Please call, text or email at your convenience. 504-723-3682

    1. Hello, I apologize for not getting back with you sooner. We have been working on getting this website functional and it has just taken some time. If you are still interested in a kitten let me know. We just had a litter about 2 weeks ago that will be ready to go in 7-10 weeks. Let me know and I would be happy to tell you more.

      thanks for your interest,


    1. Hi, we just had a litter of kittens a couple of weeks ago. If you are still interested I can tell you more about what we have.

      Thank you,


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